Event Express Pro’s On-Site Paperless Scoring service is a computerized scoring system utilizing the latest and greatest in technology. Your judges enter their scores directly into our state-of-the-art tablet computers entering competitor’s scores directly into our paperless scoring system. No data entry, less chance for error, and results can be provided seconds after the judges submit their scores.

Two main focuses for event competitions are timeliness and accuracy. Our unique software allows your competition division scores to be calculated right from the judge’s hand providing the most accurate results possible with unprecedented speed. On-Site Paperless Scoring will help take your event to the next level.
No data entry of scores – eliminates human error during data entry & speeds up competitions
Score entry is accurate. The score is entered in for calculation right from the judge’s hand. No more translating bad handwriting.
Our software allows your judges to view competition division in many ways allowing them to rank, sort, edit with the tap of a stylus pen.
We provide online & on-site training for your judges.



Paperless On-Site Scoring
Key Features